...a quarter life report

Posted by Vinicius_Andrade | Posted on 01:26

I've lived this year. This was the year of living. This was my year of life. 2010 was my year of my life, not the best or the worst, but the year I'll always remind as the one has been the most intense of all the other ones of all times. Things happened. People came to me, things came to me, situations came to me, tragedies came to me, happinesses came to me. I went to those stuff, to the people, to the tragedies, to the happinesses. It was such a though year, you can't imagine. You really can't imagine, think, guess, say or even believe. Even if I tried to spend my time finding the best words, the most adequate way to make you believe in my most adapted version of my story, or history, maybe I was wrong with myself or wright with you, but wrong with myself and with you.


Don't care, stop reading. Have fun, will travel. Do what I did. I've travelled, around many places. Spent amazing times in planes, making plans... Some of those concretized, some doesn't, some will never. For so long I wanted this to happen and guess now it'll become a reality. This is a hope, a plan. Make it happen and celebrate when it goes unplanned, unexpected. Planes, wings, Aircrafts, Airports, all that atmosphere, the world ahead, small cities behind, besides interesting people, besides my wishes and dreams, nothing could be higher than the sky.

A quarter life living like I was in a rollercoaster. Sometimes thought I was going to die, had cancer, deseases unknown by medicine, untrusted doctors, untrusted nutricional advices. Other days so plenty of clibing for health, muscles, air, faster, faster, faster, breathe... For life! For a longer and better life, maybe not. Who cares? I do... I do and I didn't. Me, with my body, a mind. A stronger body thanks to a stronger mind. Or not... But some other times, I drunk.

He had to be born. He didn't. God knows what does.

And I've found the one. Will we be? If not, the second is as good as the one... Thank, Europe!

Also find the job, the vocation, the boss, the strategy to get there. But, with only 25 and full of regrets and mismatched ideas and ideals of what work is to, I'm going easy. Because is not easy. Is hard...

Now, man... I've got a home. And a bed. And a proper room. And my own dècor. And a mom. I've been welcomed home by myself. I dedided to return... And I am happy as I'd never thought I'd be. Surprised with the obvious. \o/

I still don't have or am or lived or whatever whatever I don't still I.


That's what I want. Make some mess in your mind.


I'm 25.

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